Parent Contact (Multiple Forms)

Parent contact allows users to request and send information to parents.

How To Access

1. Open a plan.
2. Select parent contact tab.
3. Click the green plus to create a new parent contact.

Parent Approval Type- Parent approval/Permission slip to be included in the parent contact. Parents will be given a signature and multiple options to select for the document. These parent approval types can be edited in the system settings. Parent Approval Types

Select Parent/Guardian- If your system integrates parents and guardians, users can autofill parent information. Select a parent will autofill names, and email addresses.

Include Plan- Provides a link for the parents to download the plan document through the email link.

Option Observation- Attaches a form for the parents to fill out on the email you send to parents.

System Documents- Attaches predefined documents such as brochures to the email link.

Upload Document- upload a custom document to the email link.

Additional Information- Type any additional information you want to send out to the parent.

Parent's Additional Response- Additional text response from parents.

Approval Response- Will display the choices selected by the parents in their email links.

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Once the approval is created, you can either click the magnifying glass to view what the parent will see, or click the green envelop to email the message.

After clicking on the envelope, a prompt with a custom email message will appear. 

Select the Template you would like to use and edit the text as you need. Templates can be created in the system settings.

Click the send button.

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Once the email has been sent, The user will receive a link to the parent contact page you created.

A signature will be included for the parent to fill out the information.

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Once the form is filled and submitted.

The data will be instantly available, and a print link will be available for system users to download with signatures.

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