Configure FTP Settings

Once the file is properly formatted, it needs to be sent to EDS. To do that, a file transfer must be set up using FTP (File Transfer Protocol).

Whitelist your outbound IP address

By default, all incoming connections to EDS' server are blocked: any file sent to EDS will be rejected. Only files coming from an approved IP addresses are allowed to pass EDS’s firewall.

To ensure that the student data file is able to bypass the firewall, please provide the outbound IP address from the server that will be sending the file

If that outbound IP address is known, please email it to EDS and it will quickly be whitelisted.

If that outbound IP address is not known, please contact EDS and we'll work with you to help determine it. We will then whitelist the outbound IP.

Move the file for the first time

Once the outbound IP address is confirmed and whitelisted, we'll ask that the student data file be transferred for the first time.

At this time, we will also provide the username and password necessary to move the file to EDS.

Once file is transferred to EDS’s server, it takes 24 hours for the file to be processed. Once the file is processed on our end, student data will auto-populate within incidents and interventions on the website.

Schedule a recurring file transfer

To ensure that all student data is always current, EDS recommends setting up a recurring, nightly file transfer using your SIS’s auto-send feature.

EDS processes all files once every 24 hours, around 2 a.m. To make sure all student data is current, schedule the auto-send for a time between midnight and 2:00 a.m. It will then be processed overnight and be up to date at the start of each day.

This is an optional step. If the school district would prefer, the file can be sent weekly or even yearly.

If the school district would rather not set up an FTP transfer, the student data can still be created and then emailed to EDS Support.